Green Man Conservation Services is lead by Harry Toulson. Harry has lived in the south west countryside all his life growing up on a farm and attending agricultural school in West Somerset. Harry furthered his career by studying Ecology at Aberystwyth University - he has been working with trees and in conservation ever since. Remaining passionate about Ecology, and always keen to learn, Harry can often be found birding, surveying bats, or trapping moths and mammals in his spare time.

In 2019, Harry went back into education to develop his career and deepen his understanding of forest management, completing an MSc in sustainable forest management through Bangor University. The course culminated in Harry writing a dissertation titled “Small Woods: how the rise in ownership of small woodlands has affected management interventions.” The modules were challenging and allowed Harry to broaden his knowledge - modules included;

  • Forest Management Planning

  • Social Issues in Forest Management

  • Urban Forestry

  • Silviculture

  • Forest Ecosystems

  • Agroforestry

We have established relationships with a network of trusted and skilled contractors who share our ethos and passion for nature conservation working alongside us. Harry is a member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters, FISA (The Forestry Industry Safety Accord), CONFOR (Confederation of Forest Industries), the Royal Forestry Society, and we are active members of Dorset Coppice Group.

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